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Frequently Asked Questions About HPV Vaccination

This article is about HPV immunization for women’s health. This article will answer your questions about HPV. If you are a man or not interested in this topic, please share this article with the women around you. It will be really valuable information for your mother, sister, wife and daughter.

1. I am a married 40s housewife. If I still get HPV vaccine, can I expect cervical cancer prevention?

Cancer prevention has not been demonstrated in women after 26 years of age. However, even women over 26 years of age who have not started sexual life or have less chance of HPV exposure can theoretically expect cancer-preventing effects from HPV vaccination.

2. Do I need to be tested for HPV before getting the HPV vaccine? If HPV test is positive, shouldn’t I be vaccinated?

There is no need for pre-testing before HPV vaccination, and vaccination is effective depending on the type of HPV vaccine.

HPV infections are very common, and most of them disappear naturally within a year or two, so you do not need to decide whether or not you will be vaccinated against HPV based on the results of the HPV test. Even if you are infected with one or more HPV types, HPV types that are not infected at the time of vaccination are prevented by vaccination.

3. If I have been vaccinated with HPV, can I not have a cervical cancer screening?

Even if you have been vaccinated with HPV, your cervical cancer screening must be done regularly.

Since only HPV types 16 and 18 can be prevented with the HPV vaccine, the risk of infection with other HPV high-risk types that cause cervical cancer remains.

4. I don’t remember when I last got the HPV vaccine. Should I start vaccinating HPV from the first step?

You should use the same vaccine as possible, but you can choose another HPV vaccine to get the additional doses left over.

5. I got pregnant after getting HPV first immunization. Will it affect the fetus? Should I get a second dose?

Although the fetal safety associated with HPV vaccination has not been fully evaluated, no significant differences were found in the fetal safety, including malformations, between the inoculation group and the control group.

Pregnancy has been found in some subjects during clinical trials of the HPV vaccine, which began except for pregnant women. When evaluating the results of their pregnancy, no significant differences were found between the inoculation group and the control group. However, because the fetal safety associated with HPV vaccination has not been sufficiently evaluated, HPV vaccination is not given to pregnant women, and HPV vaccination should be postponed until the time of pregnancy completion. Make sure you get a second or third vaccination that you did not complete after giving birth.

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