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OREO Writing

  1. Overviews
    1. Here is a quick and easy way to write powerful articles.
  2. Materials
    1. What: The topic of the article. Think about what to write about.
    2. Why: Think about why you would write about the topic.
    3. How: Think about how you can implement the topic of your article.
  3. Methods
    1. O (Opinion)
      1. Write a key opinion that you want to claim through the article.
      2. This corresponds to “What”.
    2. R (Reason)
      1. Write reasons for opinion.
      2. This corresponds to “Why”.
    3. E (Example)
      1. Write examples supporting the reasons.
    4. O (Opinion, Offer)
      1. Summarize key opinions and write offers that are actually applicable.
      2. This corresponds to “How”.
  4. Notes
    1. The arrangement of R and E can be done in two ways as follows.
      1. R1, E1, R2, E2, R3, E3 …
      2. R1, R2, R3 … E1, E2, E3 …
    2. BOREO variant
      1. If there is a background (B) that has a core opinion, it can be written in front of O.
      2. If the importance of B is not high, it can be used as an element of R or E.

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