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3 Things to Remember to Prevent Constipation

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What is constipation?

To talk about constipation, you first need to look at the structure and function of the large intestine and anus. The large intestine is a long-winded structure, depending on the location of the appendix, the upper colon, the transverse colon, the lower ingcolon, the s-phase colon, the rectum and the total length is about 1.5m. The contents of the large intestine consist mostly of food residue and water, electrolytes, bacteria and gases. The large intestine absorbs the water and electrolytes of the, and stores the intestinal contents between the bowel movements and bowel movements serves to discharge out of the anus.

The anus connected to the rectum also plays a very important role in bowel movements. The length of the tube just above the anus is about 3-4cm, and there are muscles such as sphincter, sphincter, muscles in the vicinity. These muscles play an important role in regulating bowel movements.

Now that you’ve learned about the large intestine and anus, let’s talk about bowel movements. In order for normal bowel movements to occur, the various muscles surrounding the large intestine and anus must move harmoniously. First, the interlocking movement moves the contents of the large intestine from the upper colon to the rectum. The contents, that is, after the feces pass through the rectum, the sphincter is relaxed. However, in situations where you cannot defecate right now, the sphincter is prevented from discharging feces until the bowel movements are possible. Then when the situation that can go to the toilet to defecation, while the diaphragm and abs contraction, the pelvic pressure goes up and at the same time relax estool discharge is made.


So what exactly does constipation mean? Constipation refers to a condition in which the excretion of the stool is not smooth. By medical standards, if the number of bowel movements is less than once in 3-4 days, it is referred to as constipation when the amount of bowel movement is less than 35g. Constipation is more common than you might think, and one in five people in Korea are experiencing discomfort in their daily lives because of constipation. In addition, as the age increases, the frequency increases and is known to appear more common to women than men.

However, these medical explanations are insufficient to replace the feelings of those who experience constipation. Even if you sit in the bathroom for more than 30 minutes, the stuffiness of not being able to see the stool is a matter of reality, not numbers.

3 Lifestyle Habits to Get Rid of Constipation

From now on, we will introduce lifestyle habits that will help those who suffer from constipation. Lifestyle habits that help with constipation can be largely divided into eating habits, exercise habits, and bowel habits. Of course, constipation that does not improve only by lifestyle should also be considered taking constipation pills or undergoing surgical treatment in severe cases. In today’s article, however, i’m going to look at ways to help with constipation by focusing on lifestyles that anyone can easily follow in their daily lives.

First, eating habits to relieve constipation

First, the most important thing in your diet is the intake of adequate moisture. The cause of constipation is excessively hardened feces, which means a lack of moisture. Often, foods that help with constipation are thought of as fiber or yogurt, but it only acts as an auxiliary. For example, fiber is also helpful for constipation because it stays hydrated. Therefore, it is the intake of sufficient moisture that should take precedence over ingestion of fiber.

If you are suffering from frequent constipation, we recommend drinking more than 2 L of water throughout the day. Of course, you can’t drink that amount at once. It is recommended that you carry a water bottle with you as often as you think about it. As you do so, you will feel that water is the best constipation drug.

Second, exercise habits to relieve constipation

Next, let’s look at your exercise habits. The basis of exercise to relieve constipation is walking. We go to the bathroom shortly after waking up in the morning. I wonder why. This is because the action of lying in bed all night and getting up in the morning and walking is active in the interlocking movement of the colon. Just walking still activates intestinal movement and as a result helps bowel movements to alleviate constipation.

I thought it would give me something special because it was an exercise that would help with constipation, but i don’t think it’s a good idea to walk. However, steady walking is more effective than anything more effective in relieving constipation by activating intestinal exercise.

Third, bowel habits to relieve constipation

Finally, let’s talk about bowel habits. There are two things to remember from your bowel habits. The first thing is not to endure the stool for a long time. If the feces at work is not discharged out of the body, the colon will be deprived of more moisture. The longer the stool is put up, the longer the stool loses more moisture and becomes harder to discharge. It’s a vicious cycle. Such a situation would be very frustrating for people as well as from a representative standpoint. Therefore, if you want to go to the bathroom, you should leave aside other things and head to the bathroom first.

The second thing to remember in bowel habits is the bowel movement posture. When defecating, it is better to take a squat position. This is because squatting causes the canal through which the feces passes straightens, which makes bowel movements easier. Nowadays, however, it is not easy to squat because almost all toilets are equipped with a toilet seat. In this case, you can achieve the same effect as squatting by placing the foot rest and raising the legs. (See picture) If it is not enough, flashing your arms can also increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity to help with bowel movements.

How To Relieve Constipation

If you’re afraid to go to the bathroom because of constipation, try to actively practice the three lifestyles described above. Drinking plenty of water, exercising a lot of exercise, and bowel habits that make squats on the foot rest after sitting in the toilet seat, don’t take long to avoid stool. If you practice these three things, you will find yourself feeling sour when you come out to see your work in the bathroom.

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